“Yes” (Agreement) and the “And” (What happens next/building on an idea) propels creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication and social/ emotional awareness. More from KidScape Productions on the “Yes, and…” theory and its importance in education and beyond, original post https://kidscapeproductions.com/3754-2/ (Oct 11, 2015)
Improvisation and role play have always been well-known for laughs and entertainment, but in the past few years has grown as a way to learn and collaborate in classrooms, business and beyond.
“Yes, and…”, when used correctly, removes the “No’s” and the blocking of idea’s when two or more people are working together on a thought or action. “Yes” assures the listener hears information without judgment, “And” propels the thought forward allowing the building of idea’s, perceptions and emotions.
This approach allows each participant in a group to contribute successfully to an idea or discussion, offering a safe playing ground where all thoughts are accepted and propelled forward without judgment.
“Yes, and…” stages the option for anything to happen. No matter what is presented, instead of negating it, belittling it, or disagreeing with it, your only option is to reply with “Yes, and…” By using “Yes, and…,” we can learn and teach a myriad of life skills which include: acceptance, social & emotional awareness and regulation, individual perceptions, principals of leadership (e.g. not one of us is as smart as all of us together), compassion, conflict/ resolution, consequences and more!!! This amazing tool will encourage and support self-determination in any setting. Jump into our improv anytime by visiting www.KidScapeProductions.com. 18 years and older, corporations and educational facilities see:www.TeamBuildingOnPurpose.com *Corporate team building, role play, structure of power, professional development, mediation, private coaching and more!